So what appears as multiple disks can be multiple partitions of one or more disks. The catalog talks about 'disks', but in reality it is a single partition. Also I would liek to see an indication in the catalaog describing the difference between HDD, SDD or USB connected fixed disk. I would wish to see a command line parameter, allowing to update "all connected devices", so an unattended update could be scheduled periodically (daily, weekly. Since I want to catalog all storage devices in a single catalog updating needs to be planned carefully and the database copied before and after updating (would be nice if WinCatalog did implement a server based database, such as PostreSQL ind the future ?. After I realized, the personal license allows to run WinCatalog on multiple computers, I decided to purchase it. Of course, my catalog also includes the storage permanently connected internally or externally to the three laptops, we use at home. "I took the opposite path as someone in his comment on Facebook* and joined the EdgeRover Beta months ago, now dumped it a couple of days ago, just because update takes too long consuming too much resources and the results didn't really hold, what they promised (to me at least).Īfter uninstalling EdgeRover, I searched for another solution and found WinCatalog 2020, which seems to provide what I was looking for: mainly to keep track of my old external disks, which I keep as backup "just in case".