Steam dark and darker download
Steam dark and darker download

steam dark and darker download

Dark and Darker Removed and Gone Darkįor the most part, Dark and Darker was enjoying steady growth with each successive playtest. Following scathing claims that the developer had stolen code from Nexon, IRONMACE’s studios were raided by police, and that’s where the issues kicked off in earnest. Since the tail end of 2022, Dark and Darker has been transitioning through testing phases, but following some remarkably bad press, the game’s developer, IRONMACE, has stripped all traces of the title from Steam, the only platform that was hosting it.ĭark and Darker, which was offering a unique spin on the ‘extraction shooter’ genre popularised by the likes of Escape From Tarkov, has suffered immeasurably under the weight of negative news in recent weeks. For the gamers that were hungry for a (deep breath) ‘hardcore fantasy FPS dungeon PvPvE adventure’, Dark and Darker was the perfect game.

Steam dark and darker download